What is FNL??
FNL is a youth-adult partnership that supports a lifestyle free of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. It can be a chapter on your school campus, or in community based organizations and extends into a county youth council.
It was developed in 1984 by the State Office of Traffic Safety and the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs and piloted in Sacramento, Contra Costa, and Riverside Counties.
It was created to address alcohol related crashes among youth and has evolved to include many more issues
4 Components of FNL Programs:
Consist of a group of committed young people, working together with an adult advisor(s) to make a positive impact in their community.
Engages youth and adults in building partnerships that create positive and healthy youth development through rallies, club days, and other activities serving to simulate interest in FNL.
Skill Building
Occurs in purposeful activities and opportunities, and can include leadership training, conferences, education, and other activities that promote or result in strong skill development.
Are any safe environment or avenue in which youth and adults accomplish a project or task together, with shared power and ownership.
FNL Questions??
Want to start a club??
Alexandra Wride, County Coordinator
11573 C Ave., Auburn, CA 95603
(530) 889-7161